Egor Pashkov, Research Intern at the Corporate Finance Center, won "I am a Professional" competition
The results of the VII season of the National Student Contest "I am a Professional" - one of the flagship projects of the Presidential Platform "Russia - Land of Opportunity" - have been announced.
As a result of the competition Egor Pashkov, Research Intern at the Corporate Finance Center and a second-year student of the "Financial Markets and Institutions" Master's Programme, became a bronze medallist of the National Competition of Students "I am a Professional" in the field of "Finance" (category "Master's Degree").
Egor Pashkov
As an undergraduate student, I learned about the competition and decided to participate. It was a unique experience for me when I was able to win and get the opportunity to enter the Master's program without having to take exams.
The competition in "Finance" was held in two stages. At the first stage, which was held online, the participants were offered simple tasks on general knowledge in the field of finance. At the second, in-person stage, which was held on the basis of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, participants solved a case related to the work of a commercial bank. The solution of this case allows to test students for practical application of knowledge in the financial field.
I would like to say a sincere thank you to the university and all my teachers. They not only taught me and passed on their experience, but also motivated me not to stop and strive for new heights. The support of my teachers helps me to develop as a professional and advance in my studies and career.
For reference
The National Competition of Students “I am a Professional” is a competition for undergraduate, specialist, and graduate students at Russian universities. Its goal is to support talented individuals from various fields of study, allowing them to pursue further education at leading institutions in the country or begin their careers in the relevant industry. Yandex serves as the technical partner for this event. Over 500 significant Russian companies have collaborated in the planning and execution of the Competition.
The Competition is being organized as part of the national project "Education", which is a component of the federal project "Social Elevators for Everyone".